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List order shipments

The Order Shipments page displays a table with information about all orders that have been shipped. The table contains the following columns:

  • ID: This column displays the unique identification number for each order shipment.

  • Company: This column indicates whether the shipment was handled internally or by a third-party company like Aramex.

  • Count Orders: This column displays the number of orders that were included in the shipment.

  • Creation Date: This column displays the date on which the shipment was created.

  • Notes: This column allows you to add any additional notes or comments about the shipment.

  • Actions: This column contains a "View" button that can be clicked to view more details about the shipment.


All shipments are created in the Orders page first, and then added to the Order Shipments page once they have been processed and shipped.


To view the details of an order shipment, simply click on the "View" button in the Actions column. This will open a new page with more information about the shipment, including the tracking number, delivery status, and any notes or comments that were added.

If you have any questions or concerns about the Order Shipments page, please contact our customer support team for assistance.